vineri, 22 martie 2013

Delete passwords remembered by windows :

Type into cmd window :

rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr

Delete desired password .

luni, 4 martie 2013

Fedora core installing package groups with yum

Fedora core installing package groups with yum

yum is an interactive tool or automated update program which can be used for maintaining systems using rpm (read as RedHat and friends).
It allows you to install single package or group of package. For example let us say you are running a web server with PHP+MySQL. Now you need complete development environment i.e gcc C/C++ compilers, subversion cvs, perl and related libraries. You can install them in one shot with the following command:
# yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
You can remove all developer tools with the following command:
# yum groupremove 'Development Tools'
Or better update all tools to latest version:
# yum groupupdate 'Development Tools'
You can obtain list of all groups with the following command:
# yum grouplist | less
Installed Groups:
   Compatibility Arch Support
   MySQL Database
   PostgreSQL Database
   System Tools
   Text-based Internet
   Web Server
Available Groups:
   Administration Tools
   Authoring and Publishing
   Compatibility Arch Development Support
   DNS Name Server
   Development Tools
   Engineering and Scientific
   FTP Server
   GNOME Desktop Environment
   GNOME Software Development
   Games and Entertainment
   Graphical Internet
   Java Development
   KDE (K Desktop Environment)
   KDE Software Development
   Language Support
   Legacy Network Server
   Legacy Software Development
   Mail Server
   Network Servers
   News Server
   Printing Support
   Server Configuration Tools
   Sound and Video
   Windows File Server
 X Software Development
   X Window System
   XFCE Software Development
You can also gather information about all packages that belongs to a group:
# yum groupinfo 'Development Tools'

This is a handy feature, to install or remove software(s). If any one has more information about similar options (w/o front-end) for apt-get command, then please comment it back below.

Check Point SPLAT Commands

Check Point SPLAT Commands

This is a list of several Check Point SPLAT commands that I use frequently. Perhaps this CLI tip sheet for Secure Platform is useful to you too:

clockdisplay date and time on firewall
cpconfigchange SIC, licenses and more
cphaprob ldstatdisplay sync serialization statistics
cphaprob statlist the state of the high availability cluster members. Should show active and standby devices.
cphaprob syncstatdisplay sync transport layer statistics
cphastopstop a cluster member from passing traffic. Stops synchronization. (emergency only)
cplic printlicense information
cpstartstart all checkpoint services
cpstat fwshow policy name, policy install time and interface table
cpstat hahigh availability state
cpstat os -f allcheckpoint interface table, routing table, version, memory status, cpu load, disk space
cpstat os -f cpucheckpoint cpu status
cpstat os -f routingcheckpoint routing table
cpstopstop all checkpoint services
cpwd_admin monitor_listlist processes actively monitored. Firewall should contain cpd and vpnd.
expertchange from the initial administrator privilege to advanced privilege
find / -type f -size 10240k -exec ls -la {} \;Search for files larger than 10Mb
fw ctl iflistshow interface names
fw ctl pstatshow control kernel memory and connections
fw exportlog -oexport the current log file to ascii
fw fetch the policy from the firewall manager (use this only if there are problems on the firewall)
fw logshow the content of the connections log
fw log -b <MMM DD, YYYY HH:MM:SS> <MMM DD, YYYY HH:MM:SS>search the current log for activity between specific times, eg
fw log -b "Jul 23, 2009 15:01:30" "Jul 23,2009 15:15:00"
fw log -c dropsearch for dropped packets in the active log; also can use accept or reject to search
fw log -ftail the current log
fwm logexport -i <log name> -o <output name>export an old log file on the firewall manager
fw logswitchrotate logs
fw lslogslist firewall logs
fw statfirewall status, should contain the name of the policy and the relevant interfaces, i.e. Standard_5_1_1_1_1 [>eth4] [<eth4] [<eth5] [>eth0.900] [<eth0.900]
fw stat -lshow which policy is associated with which interface and package drop, accept and reject
fw tabdisplays firewall tables
fw tab -s -t connectionsnumber of connections in state table
fw tab -t xlate -xclear all translated entries (emergency only)
fw unloadlocalclear local firewall policy (emergency only)
fw verfirewall version
fwm lock_admin -hunlock a user account after repeated failed log in attempts
fwm verfirewall manager version (on SmartCenter)
ifconfig -alist all interfaces
log listlist the names of the logs
log show <list #>display a specific log, ‘log show 33′ will display "Can’t find my SIC name in registry" if there are communication problems
netstat -an | morecheck what ports are in use or listening
netstat -rnrouting table
passwdchange the current user’s password
ps -eflist running processes
sysconfigconfigure date/time, network, dns, ntp
upgrade_importrun ‘/opt/CPsuite-R65/fw1/bin/upgrade_tools/upgrade_import’ after a system upgrade to import the old license and system information.
hwclockshow the hardware clock. If the hardware and operating system clocks are off by more than a minute, sync the hardware clock to the OS with "hwclock –systohc"
fw fetch grab the policy from the mgmt server at
fw log -f

Shows you realtime logs on the firewall – will likely crash your terminal

Linux Creating or Adding New Network Alias To a Network Card

Linux Creating or Adding New Network Alias To a Network Card (NIC)

Q. I would like to create alias for my network card (NIC). How do I setup 2 IP address on One NIC? How do I add alias under Centos / Fedora / Debian / Ubuntu Linux?

A. Linux allows you to add additional network address using alias feature. Please note that all additional network IP address must be in same subnet. For example if your eth0 using IP address then alias must be setup using subnet.

ifconfig command line

You can use ifconfig command to configure a network interface and alias. For example:
  • eth0 NIC IP
  • eth0:0 first NIC alias:
To setup eth0:0 alias type the following command as the root user:
# ifconfig eth0:0 up
Verify alias is up and running using following command:
# ifconfig -a
# ping
However, if you reboot the system you will lost all your alias. To make it permanent you need to add it network configuration file.

Debian / Ubuntu Linux Instructions

You can configure the additional IP addresses automatically at boot with another iface statement in /etc/network/interfaces:
# vi /etc/network/interfaces
Append text as follows:
auto eth0:1
iface eth0:1 inet static
name Ethernet alias LAN card
Save and close the file. Restart the network:
# /etc/init.d/networking restart

Red Hat / RHEL / CentOS / Fedora Linux Instructions

Copy etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file as /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:0
# cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:0
Open file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:0 using vi text editor:
# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:0
Find entry that read as follows:DEVICE=eth0
Replace with:DEVICE=eth0:0
Find entry that read as follows:
Replace it with your actual IP address:
At the end your file should like as follows:
Open file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and make sure file does not have a GATEWAY= entry:
# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
Find the entry that read as follows:
Remove or comment it out by prefixing # (hash) :
Save the file. Add the GATEWAY= to your /etc/sysconfig/network:
# vi /etc/sysconfig/network
Append or modify GATEWAY entry:
Save the file. Reboot the system or run the following command:
# ifup eth0:0
# service network restart

Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora Multiple IP address range

You can assign multiple ip address range as follows to eth0:
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0-range0
Append following code from to

Save and close the file.

Upgrading to VMware Tools 5.1 causes log spew in the Windows Event Log: Error in the RPC receive loop

Upgrading to VMware Tools 5.1 causes log spew in the Windows Event Log: Error in the RPC receive loop


After upgrading a Terminal Server or Terminal Server-based Citrix XenApp virtual machine to VMware Tools 5.1, you experience these symptoms:
  • In the Windows Application Event log, you see this error reported multiple times in quick succession (log spew):

    Error in the RPC receive loop: RpcIn: Unable to send.

  • In the vmware.log file for the virtual machine, you see this log spew:
    • GuestRpc: Channel X, conflict: guest application toolbox-dnd tried to register, but it is still registered on channel Y
    • GuestRpc: Channel X reinitialized.
  • User instances of vmtoolsd.exe crash with the error:

    Access violation (0xC0000005)

  • Resolution

    This issue is resolved in Patch ESXi510-201212402-BG. To download this patch see, VMware ESXi 5.1., Patch ESXi510-201212402-BG: Updates tools-light (2035778).

    If this issue continues to persist, you can disable VMware Tools logging to the Event Log and general virtual machine logging to the vmware.log file for the virtual machine.

    Note: If the tools.conf file is not present, create the file manually using a plain text editor and add the below entries.

    To disable VMware Tools application event logging:
    1. Edit the tools.conf file in a text editor.

      Note: To locate the tools.conf file, see the Configuration File Location section in Enabling debug logging for VMware Tools within a guest operating system (1007873).

    2. Add this section to the tools.conf file:

      vmusr.level = error

    3. Save and close the file.
    4. Restart the VMTools service (Administrative Tools > Services).

      : If there are users logged in to more than one session, restarting the VMTools services may not be sufficient. You may have to kill the vmtoolsd.exe process for all instances.
    To disable general virtual machine logging:
    1. Click the virtual machine in the Inventory.
    2. On the Summary tab for that virtual machine, click Edit Settings.
    3. In the virtual machine Properties dialog box, click the Options tab.
    4. Under Advanced, click General and deselect Enable logging.
    5. Click OK to save the change.
    6. To make the change take effect, power off the virtual machine and power it back on again.

      Note: If you do not want to power off your virtual machine to disable logging, you can also vMotion the virtual machine after changing this setting.
    Note: This issue may also occur on non-Terminal Servers, such as Windows 2008 and Windows 2003