As promised, here are the sample WMIC commands I demonstrated in the Automating Windows Server 2003 session yesterday evening in Reading. Hope they are useful to you.
Update static IP addresswmic nicconfig where index=9 call enablestatic(""), ("")
Change network gatewaywmic nicconfig where index=9 call setgateways("", ""),(1,2)
Enable DHCPwmic nicconfig where index=9 call enabledhcp
Service Managementwmic service where caption="DHCP Client" call changestartmode "Disabled"
Start an applicationwmic process call create "calc.exe"
Terminate an applicationwmic process where name="calc.exe" call terminate
Change process prioritywmic process where name="explorer.exe" call setpriority 64
Get list of process identifierswmic process where (Name='svchost.exe') get name,processid
Information about harddriveswmic logicaldisk where drivetype=3 get name, freespace, systemname, filesystem, size, volumeserialnumber
Information about oswmic os get bootdevice, buildnumber, caption, freespaceinpagingfiles, installdate, name, systemdrive, windowsdirectory /format:htable > c:\osinfo.htm
Information about fileswmic path cim_datafile where "Path='\\windows\\system32\\wbem\\' and FileSize>1784088" > c:\wbemfiles.txt
Process listwmic process get /format:htable > c:\process.htm
Retrieve list of warning and error events not from system or security logsWMIC NTEVENT WHERE "EventType<3 AND LogFile != 'System' AND LogFile != 'Security'" GET LogFile, SourceName, EventType, Message, TimeGenerated /FORMAT:"htable.xsl":" datatype = number":" sortby = EventType" > c:\appevent.htm
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